
Wowhead screenshot contest

My long-time personal favorite WoW database site, Wowhead, is having another one of their contests: "The Lost Screenshots." This time, all you have to do is submit screenshots for NPCs, items, or other things that don't have one already. The winners will be the three people who submit approved screenshots for the greatest number of entries. Win what, you ask?

That's some fairly serious prizes. Note that dressing room and model viewer screenshots are disallowed. There are a few other tips and rules for the contest on Wowhead's contest page. I'm pretty excited about this one; it sounds like a lot of fun hunting down things and taking photos of them. (But then again, I loved Pokémon Snap, too.) The contest started at 12:01 AM EST yesterday, and runs until 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, September 11. So get snapping!

[image via this excellent Dark Legacy comic]