
Apple in the funny papers

It's a slow day around TUAW HQ this Labor Day (hope yours is going well!). Besides the occasional fake new iPod nano and the catfight between NBC and Apple there's not much going on. But here's two funny comics to get you through your day off.

The first, sent to us by Bugg, pulls back the curtain on what NBC really wants from the iTS. Considering their "estimates" on iPod piracy, I wouldn't be surprised at all if that last suggestion was pretty close to their real ideal. That, or they actually want us to watch certain programs at certain times with ads placed at "commercial breaks" in between! Lunacy!

And second, what's the one thing that could get me to read a Cathy comic (sent to us by Damon)? An iPhone reference. Unfortunately, it's not very nice (or funny, but this is Cathy we're talking about), but I suspect if Cathy actually tried that Google Maps multitouch interface, she'd be singing a different tune.