
Kaz Hirai says PS3-exclusive content adds extra flavor

One of the big heads of the hydra known as Sony, Kaz Hirai, sat down with an interview recently with Japanese site ITMedia to discuss what makes the PS3 so special and why multiplatform developers should add a little spice to the recipe when utilizing Sony's new console. He said that developers should focus their activity around the PS3 and move the games to everything else afterwards -- asking developers, essentially, to make the PS3 their leading platform.

He doesn't deny the importance of many devs moving to the multiplatform arena, saying, "When you consider the cost of developing on today's platforms, I think it's a logical progression that they're all thinking of making their games cross-platform ... But I think it's important that third parties use the unique characteristics of the platform to add a little bit of extra flavour to their games. For example, with the PS3, you've got the Sixaxis controller, or you could utilise the extra capacity provided by Blu-ray to add more levels, put on interviews with the developers or have your videos able to play in 1080p."

These ideas are a positive step if they catch on, but they're starting to pop up already. For the fans of Heavenly Sword, extra content has spread like a virus throughout the PlayStation Store over the past months. The Blu-ray edition of Warhawk has a ton of extra stuff packed into it. Stranglehold has a full HD movie packaged on the same disc as the game. Folklore has downloadable content planned for months to come after its release. The only thing missing are for multiplatform companies to jump on board and see how much stuff those Blu-ray discs can handle. Do you guys think this scenario will ever unfold, or would the entire industry have to support Blu-ray before it became the norm?

[via ThreeSpeech]