
Apple intros ringtones for iPhones

We mentioned in our cheap ringtones post that Apple will soon be entering the ringtone business, but I think it deserves a post all by itself. iTunes will shortly be updated, and one of the new features will be the ability to create 30 second ringtones from any of 1 million 'ringtone ready' songs from the iTunes Store (the available ringtone songs are marked with a little bell).

Click on a ringtone ready song in iTunes, use the new ringtone editor to create a 30 second clip of the song (including setting the duration of the gap during the loop), and your ringtone is ready. Ready for you to buy it that is. $.99 is what it will cost you to get that ringtone, which is in addition to the cost of the full track (though if you already own the track you can just buy the ringtone).