
Echochrome teaser site unveils PSP screenshots

First unveiled a couple of months ago at E3 to a silently stunned crowd for the PS3 and PSP, echochromelooks more complicated than weaving a wicker basket. But like with all things, it will become easier over time and eventually we will understand the ins and outs of the title. To help us along, a teaser site has been upped by Sony and while it's in Japanese, we can help you out with navigation.

After you click the title of the game, a pop-up window appears and shows you what's up. We clicked the bottom right button to skip the intro and were greeted with a small menu on the lower left. The top choice brought us screenshots and the bottom choice played the E3 trailer for the PS3. We've added the PSP screenshots as a gallery, so check it out. You'll be happy to see that the colors have been reversed, so your PSP won't be shooting off thousands of white pixels. It'll also reduce the issue of sun glare, if you're playing outside. The site lists the game for an 8/31 release and since there's not much translating to be done, we expect it around that time.
