
Lucky souls to play Halo 3 early on IMAX

When Halo 3 drops, the most popular guy on your block is probably going to be the one with the massive widescreen HDTV. A few lucky Halo 3 fans will be able to sneer at the experience though no matter how many diagonal inches their neighbor is packing after they play as Master Chief on an IMAX screen in San Fransisco or New York.

Attendees to the "First to Play/First to Own" events will also have the chance to win one of 1,000 copies of Halo 3 a day before it's available in stores. Tickets to the event (being sponsored by Pontiac) are being given away here via lottery. Be aware though, in order to sign up, you have to indicate which type of Pontiac you're looking to learn more about. And "none" is not an option.