
Sorry, Crackdown sequel isn't in the the works

In an interview with develop magazine, Realtime Worlds producer Phil Wilson chats about Crackdown's growing pains, its somewhat awkward path to market, the game's image and how much they really needed the Halo 3 beta code. Wilson also goes on to talk about how they would love to make the Crackdown community grow by creating tools that'd allow players to share videos and experiences. But the most startling factoid Wilson points out is that they are not working on a Crackdown sequel and are instead focusing their efforts on two other projects, one being the cops and robbers MMO All Points Bulletin. So, sadly, no Crackdown sequel will be headed our way for the foreseeable future.

All in all the interview is a good read that showcases a very honest look back at the game and the inner workings of the dev team, but darned if we wouldn't like to see what they could do with Crackdown 2. Maybe someday, just maybe ...

[Via Xbox 360 Rally]