
DirecTV gearing up for 100 HD channels with new site and Emmy Party

Never mind the fact that DirecTV's 100 HD channels is really only 57, their release is imminent. And to kick it all off right, they've launched a new website to spell out their new HD packages and they're also throwing a big party after the Emmy's this Sunday. There are plenty of new details outlined on the website, but what's missing is when we can actually start enjoying new programming. The other thing that seems to be missing, -- but we've been led to believe -- is the new HD pricing. DirecTV added the $10 HD access charge some time ago, but now the non-simulcasted HD channels -- like -- are expected to be moved to another tier that would be an additional $5 a month -- for new subscribers only. When DirecTV subscribers started to receive a signal from transponder 11 on Wednesday, many hoped the HD channels would start cropping up, but so far, no luck. It's anyone's guess when they'll finally show up, but we'd be surprised if they weren't online for the party Sunday night.

Read - DirecTV's Emmy Party
Read - DirecTV's new HD website