
TGS07: the new Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer (script)

We're at Tokyo Game Show right now at the Konami Press Conference. We can't show you the new Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer quite yet but we do have the script! Whilst reading this script, imagine giant robots fighting each other and monkeys dancing around (seriously). Oh, and add a fart joke at the end. At the very least, we're hoping the mech battles end up something like Zone of the Enders. Stay tuned for continued TGS coverage soon.

Naomi: That's why Liquid has me helping him hijack the System.
Naomi: Because I know FOXDIE works.
Naomi: Please, you must rescue me.
Naomi: Preparations for his insurrection are nearly complete.
Naomi: There's no time to waste.
Naomi: Snake, hurry!

(Kojima Productions Logo)

Ed: There's twenty of them.
Ed: And they're not from that PMC, Praying Mantis, either.

(Metal Gear 20th Anniversary)

Ed: It's the FROGS.
Meryl: These guys are with Liquid's private army. Shoot first, think later.
Meryl: We'll change the route as necessary.
Meryl: I'm on point.
Meryl: Got it?
Meryl: Eye contact.

"Final Chapter of the Metal Gear Saga"

Meryl: The nanomachine network inside each unit member's body lets us share each other's senses.
Meryl: With SOP, my team can literally operate as one.
Meryl: So, what do you think?
Meryl: Is your age of heroes finally over?

"Final Mission of Snake"

Snake: I'm no hero.
Snake: Never was.
Snake: Never will be.

"Finally, Everything Will Be Revealed"

Snake: You haven't changed at all, Snake.
Drebin: Pretty sweet, huh?
Drebin: Whoa, hold it.
Drebin: Watch where you're pointing that thing.
Snake: Who are you?
Drebin: Neither enemy, nor friend.
Drebin: I'm a weapons wholesaler -- all shapes, all sizes.
Drebin: All you see here has been alundered.
Drebin: I take ID guns like the PMCs use and make some mods.
Drebin: Then you can use 'em without having to match IDs.
Drebin: In other words, I'm a gun launderer.
Drebin: You can call me, Drebin.

"Metal Gear Solid 4"

Drebin: Privatizing the military's made the PMCs big and bloated.
Drebin: And the fatter the PMCs get, the line between civilian and soldier is gonna get real blurry.
Drebin: The whole damn human race is gonna be green collars.
Otacon: Vamp ... He's got to be immortal.
Snake: What the hell are these Patriots? Are they human?
Drebin: Not anymore they ain't.
Drebin: They're the law of this world, created over the course of history.
Drebin: They're what holds this world together.
Drebin: Keeps this whole mess in check.
Naomi: Let's go!
Otacon: Sunny was taken by the Patriots right after she was born.
Otacon: She never even met her parents.
Sunny: Snake! This is a non-smoking fight!
Meryl: This is Rat Patrol Team 01.
Meryl: We're with the CID -- one of the bodies investigating PMC activity.
EVA: Very impressive CQC, Snake.
EVA: Call me Mama. Big Mama.
Snake: Liquid!
Liquid: Brother!
Liquid: It's not over -- not yet!
Liquid: This is the liberty we've won for ourselves!
Liquid: Outer Heaven.

(MGS4 logo)

Naomi: See, SUnny?
Naomi: Us girls have to look our best.
Sunny: Her name was Olga.
Naomi: Hm?
Sunny: My mother.


Akiba: Drop your weapon!
Snake: You haven't even taken the safety off, rookie.
Akiba: Careful, I'm no rookie!
Akiba: I'm a ten year vet.
Snake: How the hell did you ever survive ten years?
Soldier: Who's there?
Akiba: Go away!
Akiba: I'm not done yet!
Soldier: Stop! Stop right there!
Akiba: Get back here!

"Simultaneous Worldwide Release"

Drebin: Here they come!

Expect our hands-on impressions tomorrow. (Provided we can get our hands on one of the 48 systems available!)