
Wii Warm Up: A graceful taunt ...

... is worth a thousand insults.

As soon as we saw the inclusion of customizable taunts in yesterday's WiFi-tastic Smash Bros. Dojo update, we started drafting up the four jeers that we'll be arming ourselves with when the game comes out. We quickly dismissed the mundane ("U GOT PWND LULZ"), instead investigating ideas more ridiculous ("It's over 9000!") and annoying (Spamming, "Hi, I'm Daisy!" while playing as the brunette princess.).

What put-downs are you planning to use to demoralize your friends? We've already decided on the four bits of scurrilous text that we're going to map to our D-pads: "so much depends upon," "a red wheel barrow," "glazed with rain water," and "beside the white chickens." That's right, we're going to drop poetry on you suckas.