
TGS07: Finally, someone explains the tiger

As happy as we are to hear gameplay impressions of No More Heroes, all of which cast the game as a straightforward combo-based action game in the vein of God Hand (YES) with limited, and sensible, waggle, none of the hands-on posts have satisfied our curiosity regarding the game's most mysterious feature: the tiger.

We've stared at screenshots and video, hoping to glean from context what is going on with the little tiger icon in the upper right corner, to no avail. We cheered as, during one TGS demo video, the booth attendant seemed to point in that direction, but nothing ever came of that, either.

That's why Spencer Yip is awesome. He asked point-blank what the deal with the freaking tiger was, and brought back the answer to the expectant masses like Moses coming down with a very specific set of commandments that don't actually tell anyone to do anything. It turns out that it's a meter for a "super mode" transformation that has yet to be implemented.

We can relax now.