
Space Invaders Extreme screens describe our feelings toward them

The screenshot speaks the truth: we've got Space Invaders Extreme fever. When we first heard about the game, we couldn't possibly have rolled our eyes any harder without hitting our desk; then the first screens came out of what appeared to be a somewhat rhythm-based 2D Rez-alike and we perked up; then when effusive TGS impressions of both the game and the DS paddle controller started coming in, our turn was complete. Space Invaders Extreme went from a footnote on Taito's TGS lineup to one of our most anticipated DS games.

We are pretty sure this game is going to be extremely awesome and usher in a new age of fixed-screen shooters (well, maybe not that far). We love the idea of scoring extra based on shooting complete color, row, and column combinations; we love the variety of enemy patterns, and the idea of powerups in a Space Invaders game. More than anything, we love the idea of playing a shooter with that paddle controller. It'll be like playing Arkanoid with the "laser" powerup all the time.

Hey, we're a fanboy site-- we're allowed to have hyperenthusiastic fanboy reactions every now and then.