
TGS07: Puzzle Fighters coming to EU in early November

Whilst getting some hands-on time with Devil May Cry 4 at TGS with the guys from Capcom we asked a few questions regarding Puzzle Fighter HD and its delay in Europe. The Capcom representitives told us that the game would be available for download on the EU PSN store in early November. The reason for the delay is, as usual, localisation issues. They were also quick to mention that in solving these issues now all future Capcom downloadable content will be available worldwide simultaneously. Sounds like a good deal to us.

We followed up by asking whether Sony Europe would be providing any localisation aid to publishers now that they recognise the issues that are causing the delays and trying to fix them. Quite frankly, the answer is no. Third party publishers who want their content available to all regions simultaneously will have to make it happen themselves. But if Capcom can promise that all future releases will be available without delays, then others must be able to do the same, right Sony?