
Kojima Productions is done with MGS4 trailers, for now

Counting nine trailers since the original at Tokyo Game Show 2005, Kojima Productions assistant producer Ryan Payton has told MTV Games' Stephen Totilo that their latest video, from this year's TGS (embedded above), "could be the last trailer [for the game]."

"The pressure is really on to finish work on the game, and we have decided not to be sidetracked by any more promotional work," he said. That doesn't rule out making more cinema once the game is completed, but don't expect that anytime soon.

The nine trailers, for those keeping track, encompass three E3 Expos, three Tokyo Game Shows, two Leipzig Games Conventions and a Metal Gear 20th Anniversary Party. It should be noted, as Totilo observes, that one of the videos wasn't a trailer so much as it was 15 minutes of Hideo Kojima playing the in-progress game.