
Your new Porsche: a PS3 and this steering wheel

It's one of our less-creative headlines and the picture sucks, sure, but it gets the point across. Fanatec has released a very accurate (we assume) racing peripheral for all your gaming needs, especially if you like to game in luxury. We'll get right to the features, some of which are cool and practical, others are cool and not as practical.

  • Leather steering wheel!

  • Wireless USB technology, where the USB plug is shaped sort of like a Porsche key. It's quite neat.

  • 3 force feedback motors, so you can really feel the road.

  • The pedals are wireless too, with clutch and soft-stop brake. Like you'd really get an automatic fake Porsche anyway.

  • You get two gear sticks: a regular sequential and a 6+1 H-pattern stick. The latter is only supported on PS3 and PC.

What we find really neat is the quote at the bottom of the website: "Only available through Porsche dealers and here in our web shop." So, if you guys aren't comfortable ordering this thing online, get yourself in a nice suit and pretend to care about buying a fancy new Porsche, then buy this instead. It's only $350, after all. Pretty cool for the upcoming Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, right?