
Papercraft iPhone update to 1.1.1

Pie.Phage dropped us an updated version of the papercraft iPhone, complete with the WifiTunes music store. He didn't create it, he says-- he just updated the old design. Sure, for those of you who actually have iPhones, this is lame, but for those of us who haven't been able to take the plunge yet, either for financial reasons, contract situations, or just a lack of time to get to the Apple Store (I'm moving tomorrow, ok?), we want our phones updated, too.

There are a few problems being reported, however. Apparently, after updating to 1.1.1 on the papercraft iPhones, the screen still doesn't work-- the buttons are frozen in place, and the whole design of the thing is pretty flimsy. Hopefully papercraft Apple and papercraft Jobs are working on a way to work out the wrinkles (ha! I kill me).

Thanks, Pie!