
Don't look directly at Ultimate Mortal Kombat

We're starting to get annoyed with these "moving DS" game trailers. First seen in an early Insecticide ad, the technique places all game footage either on a DS screen or in a little window that is rapidly rotating and flying across the screen. For something designed to show you a game, they accomplish the exact opposite. In our eyes, such trailers convey a lack of confidence in the product.

We're only running this trailer, which is the second Ultimate Mortal Kombat trailer in this format, because, from what we can tell, Ultimate Mortal Kombat looks like a pretty faithful translation of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, and we are happy any time a reasonable version of a fighting game is done on a handheld. Of course, we're also pleased about the added Puzzle Kombat.

[Via Game|Life]