
Show and Tell: Zelda week, day two

It's another day, and that means another round of our special Zelda week edition of Show and Tell, DS Fanboy's reader spotlight. Today, we're looking at some very permanent marks of Zelda love: gamer tattoos. It takes a truly dedicated fan -- perhaps we should call them fanboys (or fangirls) -- to etch their undying love for our Hylian hero into their very flesh, and we can do nothing but admire such pure allegiance. We salute you -- right after the break.

Do you have some awesome Zelda gear? Anything from t-shirts to tattoos, to statues and standees, if it features Link, we want to help you show it off. Snap some pics and send 'em to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll be here all week.

First up, we have DaSexiMexiMan and his super sexy ink:

And also, Brett from Games Radar, who is even bigger on our radar now after showing this off. Tattoo was also shown here.

As of Wednesday, we've got more! Check these out:
First up, Tony's sweet gaming totem pole, as featured in an issue of Nintendo Power last year. Must be nice to be recognized like that!

And then finally, here's Matt's beautiful tribute to A Link to the Past. This has to be one of the most attractive gamer tattoos we've seen, scene-wise: