
Bring the world's most famous puzzle game to the sides of your head

We don't wear earrings, but we're starting to think that it may be worth it for these great handmade Tetris pieces. Oh, except most dudes can't really pull off the dangly-earring look. And that wearing earrings involves getting holes put in you. We would do anything for Tetris, but we won't do that. Okay, forget that plan.

Luckily, when we like a game craft item, we have an alternate method of appreciating it, other than damaging our bodies: we can blog about it and tell all of you how awesome they are. The Etsy store is sold out now, but you may be able to fashion your own with polymer clay. Then you can choose your own favorite Tetromino! Which is the I, right? For pretty much everybody?

[Via Crafty Crafty]