
'New Pack' named: Wii Play 'N Learn

The new Wii hardware bundle discovered last week looks like it's going to be something a little more significant than just the same Wii with included controller jackets, or a second controller. The UPC information has been updated with a new name for the unit: "Wii Play 'N Learn." Which certainly makes it sound like a toy for preschoolers. Or maybe it's Wii-themed playground equipment! It certainly doesn't sound like Nintendo is marketing this new bundle at the older audience they usually go for. Could this mean that Nintendo is switching gears to a more kid-friendly marketing scheme?

Ill-advised branding aside, the obvious guess for what's in the bundle would be Wii Play and maybe Big Brain Academy. Really, any bundle that includes Wii Play('s extra controller) will be very welcome during the holiday season. Of course, we have no idea what'll be in the Play 'N Learn box, or even if that will turn out to be a real product.

[Via Game|Life]