
Apple boardroom now includes special "Nobel laureate" chair

It's official: Apple's board of directors now has a shiny new certificate to pin up over by the coffee machine, between the volleyball game announcement and the worker's-comp sign. Board member Albert Gore, Jr., who had some government gig before he won an Oscar, is a co-laureate (with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, honoring his work in climate awareness.

TUAW extends congratulations to Mr. Gore and to the Apple board, who now have a much better shot at getting the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela to endorse the iPod and Leopard.

Update: Apple's home page currently shows a tribute to Al Gore, and Apple is "bursting with pride." Picture if you read on. [thanks Martijn]

From -- Friday 11 October 2007 --