
Blu-ray sales growing, PS3 getting interactivity update

Blu-ray is, once again, dominating over HD DVD. One film in particular - the new record holder for highest selling dual format HD movie - was recognized as being a huge boon for the format. 300 on Blu-Ray outsold its HD-DVD counterpart by a ratio of 2:1. Total sales now exceed 400,000 across both platforms. 300, in particular, resonated quite well with the PS3 demographic.

PS3 will also receive a firmware update in the future which will "boost its Blu-ray interactivity functionality." Hi-Def Digest thinks it might be be an upgrade which allows the PS3 to support Blu-Ray Profile Spec 1.1. Currently, many Blu-ray discs are crippled by the lack of Java interactivity. A simple firmware update should make Blu-ray even more competitive and give it access to high definition content that's been exclusive on HD DVD.

[Via N4G]