
Link's Crossbow Training trailer hits the mark

We have no idea why Nintendo decided to use house music for this Link's Crossbow Training trailer, but if it bothers you that much, you could always just turn down the volume on the Flash video player and make "pew pew" noises, like we did, to go along with the action instead.

The minute-long clip has a lot of scenes recognizable from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but they've been refitted to accomodate the new Wii Zapper and Link's mounted bow. You'll be able to shoot birds flying overhead, Duck Hunt style, and gun down a line of Stalfoses in the pack-in game's three different modes; let's just hope that this synth-heavy song won't be included on the soundtrack when the bundle shows up at stores this November 19th.

[Via Kotaku]