
A better bow for younger hunters in Middle Earth

Got a lower level Hunter in LotRO and are looking for that extra edge? You've made it to Combe and Chetwood, maybe looked in on Bree. Gee those bows are nice, but you're maybe level 7 or 8, and level restrictions put the better bows out of your league.

Well, wave your hand dismissively at the wares of those city-folk. You can do better.

Get yourself on the road, and make your way towards Bree. Head towards the Prancing Pony in the North-East corner of town, then make your way west through the Inn Gate, and continue West out of Bree.

Tread cautiously - there's creatures out here that can put up far more fight than you at this stage. But you're a Hunter. The wilds are your hearth and home. Tread cautiously, and you will be fine. Head North from the Greenway Crossing, following the stream. You'll pass a farmhouse on the West of the stream. Give it a wide berth for now. A little further, in the Northern Bree fields you will pass the Thornley worksite, and after that, Thornley farm.

Rose Thornley is at the door to the main house. Go see her. Brigands have moved into the farm to the South (the one you skirted). Discourage them by taking eight of them out. Use your skills and trick shots, and make sure to engage only one at a time. It won't be hard for a clever Hunter like yourself, they are widely spread. Watch out for boars and bears though. Madam Thornley will reward you with the Thornley bow. It's a far better bow than any you can buy for quite some time and will make you a whole lot more effective. You will probably still be using it for at least the next ten levels.

Tighten your boots, Hunter. The Thornley bow awaits.