
Okami returns -- as a rumor

It's the rumor that just won't die -- and now it's back for a second round. Or maybe it's more like sixth by now. Some blogs are rumbling that Capcom announced a long-awaited and much-hoped-for port of the PS2 title Okami to the Wii at their London event. It's being called confirmed, but after everything that's been said about the possibility of the port in the past, we're waiting for an official press release before we chime in ourselves ... or better yet, a copy of the game in our hot little hands. Hell, we'll settle for screens or video. We're easy to please.

Other sources are reporting the opposite, but Capcom's Christian Svensson said to expect more announcements later this week, so grab your popcorn and we'll see how this one plays out. What are you wishing for, while we're tossing around possible ideas? Anyone up for a little God Hand?