
Sierra Online looking for Wii Ware game producer

Ever since it was officially announced, we've been impatiently waiting for Wii Ware to come along. As it turns out, many of you lovely readers seem to be excited too.

If you're a hands-on person, as opposed to froth-at-the-mouth people like ourselves, then why not consider getting into the Wii Ware production business? Now would be an ideal time considering that Sierra Online, a division of Vivendi Games, is looking for someone to produce the company's downloadable Wii titles. We wonder if this means that Sierra is bringing some adventure game goodness to our favorite console? The job will also include producing downloadable games for the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360.

Unfortunately, being excited about Wii Ware won't be enough to get you this job. First off, you have to live in the Los Angeles area. Then there's the little, itty bitty matter of having experience with this sort of thing. We suppose that those of us without any qualifications for this job will just have to bide our time and wait for Wii Ware to hit our consoles at home. We only hope that it won't be long before we can kill viruses, build countries, and pop bubbles.