
Devil May Cry 4 has "emo" hero, release date set

Capcom's press site has alerted us to some updated information regarding Devil May Cry 4 and, seeing how we're kind spirits and all, thought we'd forward the information to you. A lot of it is rehashed info, so we'll cut through that recycled garbage (oxymoron?) and deliver you the news you want to know.

Appearances by Trish, Lady, Dante, and pretty much the entire DMC cast ensemble are to be expected. Nero is described by Capcom as "cynical and prefers being a lone wolf, often labeled emo." That made us giggle a little bit. But probably the most important slice of information is a solid release date scheduled by Capcom -- a street date of February 2008 has been set. We'll have some more DMC4 news for you in a little bit, so don't worry, fans of the franchise, more news is coming.