
New Rock Band release date, website, song revealed

Hey, remember how Rock Band was releasing on Black Friday, the most hellish of all shopping days? Well, guess what? "What?" you say. Harmonix has confirmed that the release of Rock Band has been pushed forward to November 20, three days shy of the original November 23 release date. Of course, this means two things. One, you can avoid the hellmouth of your local mall come Black Friday. Two, you can play Rock Band on Thanksgiving. Rock Band is great, but Rock Band with a side of turkey and gravy is even better.

Also revealed by Harmonix are plans to relaunch with new community features to help virtual bands get their message out. The new site is set to include leaderboards, band pages, personal blogs, forums, and a classifieds page (it's really hard to keep drummers). The site is also set to include a photo shoot feature that will allow players to light and photograph their in-game avatars.

Finally, GameTrailers has revealed a new Rock Band track, "Green Grass and High Tides" as made famous by The Outlaws. You can check it out in the video above.