
Super Mario Galaxy floating freely into space

Apparently GameStop/EB stores have been receiving full Super Mario Galaxy discs to use as in-store demos. On the store systems, gameplay is restricted to 10 minutes, but the restriction is not inherent to the disc ... which means that if an unscrupulous EB employee were to sneak off with the disc and rip it, he or she could then make the full game available online.

Which is exactly what has happened. Soon, people who wouldn't buy the game anyway will be playing it for free, weeks before its release. We don't know where it's available, and we're not going to look, and neither should you. Of course, the dumped game will only work for chipped Wiis.

For some reason, we can't muster up the expected level of outrage for this egregious crime. Sure, a guy broke the law, but very few people will actually download this, and we're pretty sure that Super Mario Galaxy will do a nice amount of business. Besides, you totally don't get a free coin when you steal the game. Right?