
UK could still get Manhunt 2 as a download

The wild frontier that is the internet can be scary at times, what with all the card sharks who would shoot you as soon as look at you and snake oil men out to make a quick buck. Also: pirates. But it does have it's plus sides too. For instance, it could make it possible for our friends in the UK to buy Manhunt 2, even though it's been effectively banned there.

Because of a loophole in the UK's 1984 Video Recordings Act, downloadable games don't need to go through the certification process required for retail games, meaning that a downloadable version of Manhunt 2 could be permitted. Of course, even if Rockstar decided that was an avenue they wanted to pursue, it would be an impossibility on the PS2 and a giant paradigm shift for the Wii's Virtual Console, so it still doesn't seem terribly likely. Ah well, at least we know that when Manhunt 2 turns our nation into a pack of murderous zombies, we'll have a country where we can chill out.

[Via CVG]