
New York Times does 'Manhunt 2 for Dummies' recap

Need to explain to grandma why this whole Manhunt 2 kerfuffle is ridiculous? Then go pick up (or send her the link if she's all modern) to today's New York Times article which gives a simple version of the Manhunt 2 saga for mass consumption. If you've been keeping up with all the Manhunt 2 coverage then you pretty much already know everything the New York Times article has to say. Wait, you haven't been keeping up with the controversy ... seriously? OK, ok, we'll make an even simpler version of the NYT piece.

Here we go: Although violence in games is focused on more, movie and television violence is worse. Child sodomy is fine in movies, testicles being ripped off with pliers is bad for video games. Manhunt 2 still retains 99% of its AO content -- a pesky 1% change makes it M. The controversy showed the ESRB has teeth and also helped market a game that probably would not have gotten attention otherwise. NYT basically says the game "will probably prove as luridly, fleetingly diverting as any slasher flick." Fin.