
Dolphintastic video of Ghost Squad

We continue to love the unlockable bonus modes in Ghost Squad. The extra dose of craziness elevates the game above "somewhat notable port" status into "Zapper killer app" and "Thing we want to buy" categories. A shooting game in which you squirt water at bikini-clad "terrorists" with a dolphin-shaped water gun, then disarm them of their banana knives, may be all we need in life.

You can see all the hilarity in action in this video, including the swan jet skis. But what you may not yet know about Ghost Squad is that it looks really fun for reasons not entirely related to silly swapped items and characters. It features unique gameplay twists, such as segments in which you use the Zapper to simulate knife fighting and hand-to-hand combat. And, of course, the game carries the Sega name, which we think still means something, at least in relation to light gun games. Check after the break for another video without the bonus stuff, to prove that the game looks like loads of fun. This is one port we can definitely live with.

[Via Game|Life]