
Why aren't we sick of Mario?

Let's face it, Mario is a video game geriatric. The Italian plumber has been around for 26 years, ever since he had a role as "Jumpman" in the Donkey Kong arcade game. He may not be as hip as Big Daddy or Master Chief, but that doesn't mean we love him any less. If anything, it only makes us love him more.

As the debut of Super Mario Galaxy inches closer and closer, we can only be certain of one thing: it's going to do well. In fact, we'd go so far as to estimate it will sell a ridiculous amount (you heard it here first!). But, the question is, why? Why are red-blooded Nintendo fans so in love with Mario games?

Fortunately, the folks over at GameDaily have taken it upon themselves to answer this question, with a list of "Ten Reasons Mario Games Never Get Old." Our favorite reason on the list? His outfits!

"Whether hopping around in a frog suit or donning a bee suit like an extra from Blind Melon's 'No Rain' video, Mario's got quite a wardrobe. The helpful abilities that come with them are definitely handy for beating enemies." After checking out the list, be sure to tell us your own reasons for loving the iconic Nintendo franchise after all these years.