
Families ski in Family Ski

New screenshots of Namco Bandai's seemingly-redundant Family Ski reveal a seemingly-redundant character editor. You can edit your in-game avatar's appearance to look like you! In a Wii game! How novel!

The "problem" with the character editors in games like this one, MySims and even the Simple Wii games is that everyone else's take on DIY character design is actually cuter than Nintendo's. We wouldn't mind swapping out our Miis for these little guys. Of course, you have to earn skiwear and accessories in the game to outfit them, but we hardly care what our avatar's parka looks like.

For those of you with a keen interest in the snowy sport, you can have a look at some of the 10 courses offered in the game. They're all snow-covered paths, but, like, the sky is different colors.