
Tabula Rasa lead developer stops to thank beta players

Tabula Rasa lead developer Paul Sage took some time out at the end of last week to reflect on the long road the game has taken to reach launch day.

In an open letter to the TR community, he talks about his favorite class, the best thing about the game (in his opinion), some of the title's little-known secrets, and thanks a bunch of the folks involved in bringing the game to store shelves. Most of all, though, he wanted to get across his thanks to the players who saw the game through the long and sometimes painful beta process.

I want to thank every beta player out there: the grumpy ones, the indifferent ones, and the blissfully playing ones. Seriously, we make games so people will have fun. One of my biggest thrills is watching someone have a good time in the game. I love it when people taunt the Bane and cheer when they take over a control point. I very actively listen in general chat, read the boards, and listen to what you are saying, even when you think I'm not. Beta testing isn't like playing a game. Yes, you get a sneak peek, but sometimes you also get to stand on a carpet and have it ripped out from under you. I understand that can be frustrating. So for that, let me again say "thank you."