
WoW Insider presents... Massively!

We've been working through the night to put the final touches on our new MMO-centric blog, Massively. Be the first to stop by and establish your FIRST POST cred in our comments.

So what should you expect to see on Massively? The same level of in-depth game coverage you see on WoW Insider, only for more MMOs than you can count -- even if you use all of your fingers and all of your toes. While WoW Insider will still be here, covering everything about World of Warcraft, we invite you to visit Massively for all the news on the other virtual worlds in the neigborhood. And who knows: you may just find a new MMO to love.

But for those of you who need more encouragement to join us, we're launching with a bang and a 24 hours of Tabula Rasa giveaway. Every hour on the hour we're giving away Tabula Rasa swag from NCsoft to kick off two weeks of daily game giveaways. And if that's not tempting, I don't know what is.