
Creature creation in Secrets of Faydwer

EQVault has a nice write up on how the EverQuest team creates creatures, with a focus on the next expansion, Secrets of Faydwer. They've got exclusive screenshots showing the concept and final versions for three creatures. There are also links to SOE videos of the models in action.

The article gives an inside look into the creation process. Often, we only focus on the end result: the model in the game. I enjoyed reading the little bit of "inside the sausage factory." The in-game version wasn't too far off from the concept art. Given how old the core EQ engine is it's impressive how good they can make stuff look. In fact, looking through the galleries on the official site reveals some nice-looking work.

Since my main is only level 56 I will not be playing it the new expansion. However, due to a serious sentimental attachment to the game, I'm making plans to re-install and revisit my old haunts.

How about you? Do you like reading about how games are made? Will you be checking out the new expansion?