
LOTRO devs considering the idea of class advisors

In a post to the official Lord of the Rings Online forums, community member annie requests that players be given more of an opportunity to voice their concerns to the development team. Specifically, they would like to have class advocates, or advisors, who could express player concerns about a particular profession to the game's creators.

Just a few posts in, Zombie Columbus notes that they think such an addition to the game would be a boon:

I personally like the idea of the players helping direct how the classes develop. That is why I was so active on Isengard and read so much of what was on these forums. There are constraints I have as a conscientious developer though... Making a class overpowered hurts the game, making it underpowered hurts the game. It is not an easy line to walk, so I appreciate the help I have gotten, even from those here who are literally calling for me to be fired the trick is in how I translate the comments I get, heh heh.

Further discussion (and some name-calling) in the thread led the developer to clarify his statement:

Right here is why I'm not such a fan of doing an advocate. I just said "I did talk to players" and the first response was "Well, those players didn't tell you what I wanted." That said, an advocate is someone who could take the bullet for unpopular changes.... Hmmm.... (I'm kidding.... mostly) In all seriousness, the idea of class specific advocates is something I've been thinking about bringing up to my boss. I just need to convince myself they are a good idea before I can try to convince others.

The question of whether or not to have profession advocates is one faced by every Massively Multiplayer game. What do you think? Are they helpful, or are they just opportunities for players to grandstand?