
Rumor: Fall Update adds new family timer

Ahh yes, we finally get a Fall Update feature out in the open, exposed and bared to all! Or we should say an "alleged" feature. We should also say we don't think it's the most exciting Fall feature ever implemented, but it's Fall Update news so we shall divulge.

According to a post made by JasonX1 over on the forums, he spotted some potential Fall Update facts on the back of his recently purchased Guitar Hero III keychain. More specifically, the keychain text hints at a new family timer and reads ...

Family Timer
- A simple tool that lets you manage how much time your kids spend on their Xbox 360.
- Manage time in daily or weekly increments. Easy for parent to suspend or add time.
- Available in December 2007 only through Xbox Live.

As you can see, the text doesn't solely mention family timer options for GHIII and instead uses the broad "Xbox 360" label. Interesting stuff. Oh, and don't count your Fall Update releasing in November chickens just yet, we have a feeling our update eggs will hatch this December.

[Thanks, Hector]