
WoW giveaways 2 1/2: moar game time plz

Yep, it's still WoW day here at Massively, and we're giving away the last of our 60-day game cards of the day right now so gather 'round! By now you should know the drill -- please be 18. Please live in the US. Please be aware of these official rules. We all set? Eggselent -- now quick, go comment in this thread! You have until 1pm EST tomorrow, Sunday November 4 to get your entry in. One lucky bastard winner will be chosen at random to take home this bee-yoo-tee-ful prize. Very nice!

Oh, but the day is not yet over, my friends. You'll want to check back again for a special, uber-secret prize. You can scour the interwebs but you won't even find a shred nor scrap of evidence regarding what we're giving away. It's so secret, we won't even let ourselves know what it is until 3pm EST. Oops, did we let the kick-off time slip out?