
Bungie Store: Grenade belt buckles and love

Continuing today's shopping theme we figured you'd be interested in some Bungie Store goodies that are so new, we feel guilty for talking about them.

Per this week's Bungie Weekly Update, there are four new items available for purchase at the online Bungie Store. New items including a Dual Deco Master Chief Hoody, a grey and black Canvas Messenger Bag, some Halo 3 Trading Cards and our personal favorite, a Frag Grenade Belt Buckle. And if this belt buckle doesn't result in oodles of females swooning down on you then you're a lost cause .... sorry, but it's true. All the new goods (as well as old) are available right now and can be in your hands in less than a week if you get your purchase on this instant. Now, about the Bungie Store's evil shipping charges ...
