
Second Life versus BBCode - an open letter to Philip Linden

Second Life

user Jesse Barnett today posted an open letter to Philip Rosedale (aka Philip Linden) in the Second Life forums, with copies in the Public JIRA issue tracker, and in the Second Life developer mailing list.

'Well actually there is one thing we have asked and that is for bbcode to be reenabled and yet the official linden response is that "Sorry, we don't have 5 minutes to answer that question."'

It all pretty much boils down to the vBulletin-based official forums (or what is left of them) and the fact that BBCode support for them is either broken or disabled (it was disabled in response to a cross-site scripting vulnerability, but why it remains off is an open question).

While there are some workarounds, such as using GreaseMonkey to modify pages on the fly, those few users who use the official forums since the forums' fangs were pulled, find the issue vexatious.