
Furniture catalogue for LotRO housing

If you're the proud new owner of a Lord of the Rings Online abode, and are going through the pains of organizing and decorating, then this guide may be right up your alley. Hot on the heels of Book 11's player-housing, have started a furniture catalogue to help make life easier for citizens of Middle Earth who are settling in to a new home.

The catalogue, still in beta and being added to, contains a listing of house-items by type. Clicking through to a category, and then an individual item, will bring up a picture of said item, a short description, the cost, and exactly where to get a hold of it. Very handy! The items can also be selected directly from a drop-down menu.

As more things will undoubtedly be added in the future, the site may be worth a bookmark if you feel you may have an ongoing affair with decking out your place. After all, the next time your neighbours visit to smoke some pipe-weed, you want them leaving jealous, don't you?