
CONFIRMED: You're all fun, but selfish about your passion

Attention ladies of Wii Fanboy! Struggling to assess the suitability of the guy you're dating? Want to know how your beau really ticks? Then don't pursue a relationship centered around honesty and open communication - that's just really stupid.

Especially when you can gather all the necessary information by looking at which console he owns. To prove this works, MSN's Dating column gathered a group of "experts" in the fields of psychology and gaming, and asked them to spew relentless pop psychology claptrap what they thought each console says about its owner.

Turns out owning a Wii makes you a "fun guy," and "not the typical slack-jawed, bleary-eyed gamer who wants to sit on the couch staring blankly at the screen for hours on end," though we're going to be hard-pressed to keep that facade of casual coolness going when a certain game arrives. Apparently, us male Wii owners are also selfish about our passion, and smart with money (is that because Wii is, like, omigosh, cheaper than the other two?).

But wait, there's a disclaimer at the bottom there: "Of course, these expert opinions won't apply to all men who own these consoles, so don't consider them absolutes." Sheesh, good job they came clean.

Click past the break for the verdicts in full.

Q. What does a Wii tell a gal about her potential date?

Ted Owen, CEO, GGL, an online gaming network in Santa Monica, CA: "That he is selfish about his passion, but he knows the Wii is acceptable because of its social interaction functionality. He is smart enough to find a way to continue to game and not scare his date away."

Ed Magnin, chairman, Game & Simulation Programming, DeVry University's Dallas Metro campus: "Wii says he's a fun guy. The Wii-mote will force him to get up off the couch and actually get a little exercise while he's playing. Of all of the consoles, the Wii is probably the best date machine, as a lot more of the games appeal to both sexes. Challenge him to a game of tennis or bowling."

Shane Satterfield, editor-in-chief, Santa Monica-based, an online gaming site: "This guy is not the typical slack-jawed, bleary-eyed gamer who wants to sit on the couch staring blankly at the screen for hours on end. You can rest assured that this type of guy is smart with his money as the Wii is only $250 compared to $399 for the Xbox 360 and $599 for the PlayStation."

[Via PS3 Fanboy]