
Devs post hectic Spellborn combat video

The developers behind the long-delayed Chronicles of Spellborn usually put out an in-depth article about a specific system, like this one on balancing combat in the game. As usual, they offer up a lengthy discussion of the subject, taking pains to include everyone in their development process.

For example, I can say that a certain basic damage attack should do 50 damage. The model will then show the amount of damage a weak attack should do or what amount a heavy heal should heal for. It will not only give these basic values, it will actually also reflect the effect of the use of consumables, sigils and attribute points by the player, so we can theoretically predict the outcome. Past taught us that these predictions are often far from the situation you end up with eventually, especially considering MMO's, but you need to start somewhere. As long as we keep updating the model to our actual findings and experiences, it will become more accurate as we progress.

Near the end of last month in lieu of a diary they offered up a frantic video of their PvP stress test. It's a brief stress test of their combat engine in the level 1 areas, a place that won't normally allow Player vs. Player combat. The designers hopped in to hack away at each other, and it was so much fun they decided to FRAPS the experience and share it wiith us. The voice-over by the TCOS designers provides some more insight into what gameplay in the game will be like. They don't rely on auto-targetting or background calculations to control damage. If you swing and hit with a sword, you do damage. Just one of the many decidedly different elements that make Spellborn stand out from the crowd.