
Find those Xs, XMTS has begun

And you thought we didn't notice your 80+ comments on the previous announcement post for Microsoft's X Marks the Spot giveaway. Well, we noticed and we're just as crazy (look to the right for proof) about solving the ten daily puzzles, so feel free to use this post to discuss, help eachother and win.

But, for those who aren't familiar with the green X game, listen up. If you head on over to the X Marks the Spot giveaway page you'll be able to register (unless you have Firefox*) and start your search. Each day, for 36 days, they'll post ten daily clues that lead to various gaming or sponsor related websites. Then, on each website, you'll have to spot a word that has a green X in its spelling. That friends is the keyword that'll answer the question and give you an entry. Each entry you unlock (ten total per day) will enter you into daily, weekly and grand prize drawings, so the more you answer the more chances you'll have at winning goods. But know that every day's questions are different and can only be answered the day they are live, so there's no going back. Good luck and help eachother out, because we want a fanboy winning a new car or Dew mini fridge!

*Good eyes, but the Firefox "clue" is total bologna. We just felt like messing with your head, but nice clue spotting nonetheless.