
Guillemot says developing for PS3 is no harder than 360

Seems that talking up about the PlayStation 3's development process is in style -- first IO Interactive said how fun it was, now Ubisoft's own Yves Guillemot is claiming that it's no harder than programming a 360 title. Perhaps that's stretching it a little. Ubisoft is saying that, from a development standpoint, the two consoles can yield them equal results, working on the respective strengths of each console. In addition, he feels the rest of the year will be excellent for the PS3, with the price cut and lineup of good games.

As for the rumor that it costs a lot more to work on the PS3, well, it's still true, but not a major hike in price due to Ubisoft's complete cross-platform engine thingy. "What we do now is create for the PS3 and 360 at the same time, and it doesn't cost more than 10 per cent extra to develop for the other machine ... Before it was costing us more, about 20 per cent, just because it was difficult to learn the PS3 hardware, but now our engines are done and we can easily develop for both machines." Good stuff, we guess. Hopefully this means less delays for PS3 versions of games as well as equivalent gaming experiences.