
Sequel time! Lost Planet: Colonies discovered

Thanks to the USK German video games ratings board (Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle or USK) we may have un-earthed proof that Capcom's Lost Planet franchise is not dead.

Xbox-Archiv stumbled across an entry for a game called Lost Planet Colonies over on the USK website that was reviewed this past July today. Instantly, thoughts of a Lost Planet bug splattering sequel raced in our heads when we heard the news and after visiting the USK site, we were pleasantly surprised. The Lost Planet Colonies entry lists the game to be a third person shooter (yes!) and solely on the Xbox 360 (double yes!) Adding more proof to the Lost Planet sequel fire is the fact that the game is published by CEG Interactive Entertainment, a German subsidiary of (you guessed it) Capcom. We've heard lots of whispers of a Lost Planet sequel this year, but nothing has surfaced to be this concrete. Here's to Lost Planet Colonies becoming a reality and being an amazing sequel.

[Via Xbox-Archiv]