
Join the Test PVP League: sign up today!

Signups for the Test PVP League started on 10/29/2007, and are still ongoing. The team captains, however, have been picked.

A full description of the rules and regulations are available on the City of Heroes official forums, and the official league nights will begin on Tuesday, 01/10/2008, at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and will run for six weeks.

So gird your loins and grab your Level 1 Inspirations, folks: you've got teammates to slaughter, and you only have a few more weeks to sign up.

This begs two questions: What archetypes and powers do you think works the best? Moreover, why do you visit the PVP zones? Is it for the fun, the influence, the thrill of destroying your enemies, or ... ?

Come on, share: give us the scoop on your favorite PVP build.