
WoW Moviewatch: The Simpsons Game, Neverquest trailer

A while back, I found out from Gamebunny that a spoof on the MMO genre is an important part of The Simpsons Game, which just went on sale at the beginning of this month. We featured a Simpsons WoW spoof in a WoW Moviewatch some time ago, and as you can see from this trailer, a lot of the feeling and sound of the game is very reminiscent of WoW. Somehow this sort of making fun feels to me like the very height of praise for WoW and the impact it's had on the market. If the Simpsons make fun of it, it's got to be good.

This portion of the game is called "Neverquest," and I would definitely try it out if I could. Has anyone played this? Is it as fun as it seems in this video? Does it actually play at all like WoW plays, or is the similarity only in the look of it?

Previously, on WoW Moviewatch...